IslandAuctionAssist: Selling Your Finer Items on eBay


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Fine Art

IslandAuctionAssist - eBay Trading Assistant Consultant Professionals


Both principals of IslandAuctionAssist are professional artists, graduates of Fashion Institute of Technology, Manhattan, NY. Therefore, we are always wildly enthusiastic about finding and listing valuable works of fine art. We welcome all types of works of fine art, from all time frames and cultures, be they originals paintings, limited edition prints or lithographs, sculpture, or other art forms.

We will utilize your existing photographic references, if available. Or, we may elect to photograph your artwork on-site. We offer an UNLIMITED number of photographs and MPEG movies at no extra charge. That is far better than the eBay on-site limit of 12 images and NO movies! With more attractive and clear, crisp photos, taken at various angles and distances, browsing eBayers will see your item represented in all it's splendor and glory!

We will come to collect the piece once it has been sold, and we have a check ready for you. Alternatively, you may opt to ship the item yourself, once a check has been mailed to you by IslandAuctionAssist. (This is the preferred method by most of our associates)

If you are an established fine artist, we welcome your original works. If you have a gallery or have displayed and have works placed in private or public collections, and wish to have your artwork listed on eBay with us, please contact us. You may also be granted an area where your pieces will be listed for sale on other high-traffic website, such as ArtNet, D-Vers, and GoAntiques.Com. (Please click HERE, or on the 'Free Listing on Other High-Traffic Sites' link at right, for more details regarding this option)

If you are located within driving distance of the New York Metro Area, we will meet with you at your gallery or other location where your works are being dispayed. Even if you are located beyond our immediate vicinity, we still offer Distance Consignment Services. (Please click HERE, or on the 'Consignment' link at right, to learn about our Distance Consignment Service)

(If you are an artist, gallery owner, art broker or agent, and are interested in learning more about our Trading Assistant services, please click HERE, or on the 'Send E-Mail' link at right, to send a private E-Mail to IslandAuctionAssist)

The eBay Art category is divided into the following subcategories: Digital Art; Drawings; Folk Art; Mixed Media; Paintings; Photographic Images; Posters; Prints; Sculpture; Carvings; Self-Respresenting Artists; Self-Representing ACEOs; Textile Art; Other Art; and Wholesale Lots.

Special Discounted Rates for Galleries, Self-Representing Artists, and Art Agents. (Please click HERE, or on the 'Fee Schedule' link at right, to learn more about IslandAuctionAssist's commission and fees)


Fee Structure


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Free Listing on Other High-Traffic Sites!




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